We have missed you all. We are back to library services in a limited and modified form. The good news is that you can place up to 10 holds and pick them up at either the Kings Beach or Tahoe City branches. You can also return the items you have been living with for 4…
Welcome New NTBA Members On behalf of the NTBA staff and Board of Directors, we want to thank these businesses for becoming North Tahoe Business Association members. We are excited to have them helping to support our vital organization that is actively involved in improving economic vitality and quality of life in the communities of…
Free Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), including yard signage, hand sanitizer and face coverings are available for the North Lake Tahoe community to stay healthy and encourage fellow residents, visitors and employees to do the same.
North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Leadership Program Graduates 24 More Leaders (June 16, 2020) The North Lake Tahoe-Truckee Leadership Program has successfully completed its 17th year by graduating 24 strong smart leaders. The Leadership Program creates an opportunity for potential leaders to broaden their understanding of the region and its issues, challenges, and opportunities; while honing and…
Business Readiness Toolkits RETAILERS Reopening Guidelines, Checklists & PPE Order Form RESTAURANTS Reopening Guidelines, Checklists & PPE Order Form ACTIVITY PROVIDERS Reopening Guidelines, Checklists & PPE Order Form LODGING & SHORT-TERM RENTALS Reopening Guidelines, Checklists, PPE Order Form MORE INFORMATION & RESOURCES
The North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, in conjunction with Placer County, has sourced PPE supplies for your business. This includes 3-Ply and KN95 masks, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, and social distancing graphics. Limited quantities are available. Pick-up location is the North Lake Tahoe Visitor Center in Tahoe City. Payment (cash, check, credit card) will be…
NEW, FREE Dining Listings are being offered at TheTahoeWeekly.com to help promote your businesses through their online network. This is a new, permanent feature open to everyone, that is being offered for FREE during the COVID-19 crisis. At some point in the future, it will be a paid service at a very cheap rate for…
Welcome New NTBA Members On behalf of the NTBA staff and Board of Directors, we want to thank these businesses for becoming North Tahoe Business Association members. We are excited to have them helping to support our vital organization that is actively involved in improving economic vitality and quality of life in the communities of…
Celebrate Earth Day 2020April 22 marks the 50th Anniversary for Earth Day, a day created to inspire everyone to protect our planet. Earth Day was founded in 1970 and is now observed by over 190 countries and more than one billion people. Today, Earth Day is more important than ever! And while we cannot gather…