Kings Beach State Recreation Area Final Environmental Impact Report

California State Parks released the Final EIR/EIS which includes responses to comments submitted on the Draft EIR/EIS (see Chapter 2). After receiving comments, revisions were compiled into a Kings Beach State Recreation Area Preliminary General Plan Revision and Final Environmental Impact Report/Kings Beach Pier Rebuild Project Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement. Final EIR/EIS for…

general plan kbsra

Public Review Period & Public Hearings for the Kings Beach SRA General Plan Revision and Draft EIR/Draft EIS for the Kings Beach Pier Rebuild Project

The Draft EIR for the Kings Beach SRA Preliminary General Plan Revision and Draft EIR/EIS for the Kings Beach Pier Rebuild Project are now available for public review   The public review period for the Kings Beach SRA Preliminary General Plan Revision and Draft EIR and Kings Beach Pier Rebuild Project Draft EIR/EIS extends from…