Aerial Hoop and Aerial Silks Workshops
Aerial Lyra/Hoop: Twisted Pathways- Dec. 16 12:30-2pm
In this 1.5 hour workshop, we will cover unique ideas and pathways on aerial hoop. In three separate sequences we will explore interesting and diverse shapes, with smooth and seamless transitions that make movement look a like magic trick and feel like a fluid flow. Recommended prerequisites include being able to straddle in the air. Basic understanding of skin the cats and comfortability with spinning encouraged but not required. Class can be modified with simplified or more challenging variations to be of interest to any level of aerialist.
Aerial Silk: Turning Silk Tricks into Unique Choreographies!- Dec. 16th 2:30-4pm
The choreographic possibilities of Silks are endless! In this workshop, I’ll be sharing some of my very favorite creative choreographies and unusual transitions. We’ll bend your brain and your body and try many things that hopefully you have not tried before, all while checking in with good technique and movement fundamentals. Material will include drops, flexibility sequences and fluid transitions. Variations will be offered for all levels.
Aerial Silk: Hipkey – The Gift that Keeps on Giving- Dec. 17th 12:30-2pm
In this 1.5 hour workshop, we will look at several entries and exits to hipkeys, as well we several variations on hipkey drops, hipkey poses, and fun hipkey tricks. Most importantly, we will look at what these variations have to offer in terms of stylization. We will look at which moves feel best in your flow. Which tricks can be drawn out for beautiful extensions, and which can provide hard, hitting impactful drops. We will look at how choosing variations or entries can lend themselves to the story or mood you are trying to portray. Prerequisites include basic understanding of hipkey in the air. Class can be modified with simplified or more challenging variations to be of interest to any level of aerialist.
Aerial Lyra/Hoop: Breaking the Circle: Lyra Level Changes- Dec. 17th, 2:30-4pm
Dramatic level changes aren’t just for silks! Students will take several commonly known poses and learn different drops, flips, spiral, and slides out of them in order to add a different flare to these tricks, while also learning the technique behind them. There will be focus on laying the conditioning foundations for safe practice of these movements in the future.