Are You Ready for the November 3 Election?
Important dates, information and resources to make sure your VOTE counts!
Information provided by www.placerelections.com
The Placer County Elections Office distributed voter information guides to all registered voters in Placer County. This guide will provide candidate and ballot measure information including resources on voter options.
October 5: First day ballots will begin mailing to voters. In-person voting begins during regular business hours at the Elections Office in Auburn and the Elections Warehouse in Rocklin.
October 6: Voter drop boxes available for ballot drop off
October 12: Columbus Day – Elections Office and Elections Warehouse open to the public
October 19: Last day to register for the November 3 general election
October 20: First day of conditional voter registration
October 27: Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot by mail
October 25-26: In-person weekend voting available 9am – 4pm at the Elections Office in North Auburn and the Elections Warehouse in Rocklin
October 31: First day Voter Service Centers are open
October 31-November 1: In-person weekend voting available 9am – 4pm at the Elections Office in North Auburn and the Elections Warehouse in Rocklin
November 3: ELECTION DAY!

To register to vote, a person needs to complete and sign a Voter Registration Form and mail it to the Elections Office of the County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar. These forms are pre-addressed and postage paid. (Some forms carry the Secretary of State’s address in Sacramento or the address of another county – these forms can be used also.)
Voter registration forms are available at the Elections Office, 2956 Richardson Dr., Auburn, CA. Forms are also available at:
- Post Offices
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs)
- City Clerks Offices
- Public Libraries
- Chambers of Commerce
- High Schools
You may also call the Elections Office, (530) 886-5650, to have one mailed to you. You may also complete an online Voter Registration Card here.
Certain voters face life-threatening situations may qualify for confidential voter status. For more information, please contact the Secretary of State’s Safe At Home program.

The close of registration is 15 days prior to an election (October 19, 2020). To be eligible to vote you must register on or before the deadline (i.e. vote by mail, at a polling place). However, during the period of 14 days prior to Election Day through and including Election Day, an individual can go to the Elections Office to conditionally register and vote a ballot, provided they reside in Placer County and have not already turned in a voted ballot at another county/state elections office.
Once you are registered, you will remain on the rolls and be eligible to vote until you move out of the county or become ineligible. Failure to vote in an election does not make you ineligible. To find out if you are already registered to vote in Placer County contact our office.

Due to the pandemic, voters can choose to mail in their ballot through the US Postal Service, drop off their ballot at secure drop boxes located around the county, or vote in-person at voting locations, called Voter Service Centers.
Voters choosing to drop off their ballot can find drop box locations in the voter information guide or on the Placer County Elections Office website. Ballots can be dropped off from October 6 through November 3. Listed below are 4 locations in North Lake Tahoe and 2 locations in the county seat.
- Kings Beach Library, 301 Secline St., KINGS BEACH
24-Hour Drive-Up Drop Box - Olympic Valley Public Utility District, 305 Squaw Valley Rd., OLYMPIC VALLEY
Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm - Raley’s O-N-E Market, 10001 Soaring Way, TRUCKEE
Everyday 6am – 11pm - The Old Firehouse, 300 North Lake Blvd., TAHOE CITY
24-Hour Drive-Up Drop Box - Placer County Elections Office, 2956 Richardson Dr., AUBURN
24-Hour Drive-Up Drop Box - Auburn City Clerk’s Office, 1225 Lincoln Way – Room 9, AUBURN
Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm
Postage is no longer necessary when returning your ballot. Your ballot must be postmarked on or before November 3 and received no later than November 20. Your ballot cannot be counted if received after the deadline, regardless of the postmark. Consider mailing your voted ballot as early as possible.

Placer County will offer 28 locations throughout the county where voters may visit a Voter Service Center. The 28 locations will be open Saturday, October 31, 2020 through Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Listed below are 2 locations in North Lake Tahoe and 2 locations in the county seat.
- North Tahoe Event Center, Conference Room, 8318 North Lake Blvd., KINGS BEACH
(4 Days) October 31, 8am – 4pm; November 1–2, 9am – 5 pm; November 3, 7am–8pm - The Old Fire House, 300 North Lake Blvd., TAHOE CITY
(4 Days) October 31, 8am – 4pm; November 1–2, 9am – 5 pm; November 3, 7am–8pm - Placer County Elections Office, 2956 Richardson Drive, AUBURN
(29 Days) October 5 – November 2, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5 pm; November 3, 7am – 8pm - Gold Country Fairgrounds, 1273 High Street, AUBURN
(4 Days) October 31, 8am – 4pm; November 1–2, 9am – 5 pm; November 3, 7am–8pm

In order to protect the Placer community from coronavirus, election workers, and voters at Voter Service Center locations, everyone is advised to adhere to the following COVID-19 prevention practices:
- Avoid entering the Voter Service Center if your are feeling unwell.
- Maintain 6 feet of distance between you and others.
- Please only use the pen, sanitizer, and voting materials given to you.
- Please wear a face covering.
- Avoid physical contact such as shaking hands.
Want more information about how to stay safe while voting? Review Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.