Welcome New NTBA Members
On behalf of the NTBA staff and Board of Directors, we want to thank these businesses for becoming North Tahoe Business Association members. We are excited to have them helping to support our vital organization that is actively involved in improving economic vitality and quality of life in the communities of North Lake Tahoe. We look forward to working with them and supporting their business, and encourage you to do the same!
November Members
- EPM Clarity: Enterprise Performance Management manages the performance of an enterprise in a way that yields optimal results. Operate your business above the fog and check them out.
- Ludmila CPA: Ludmila CPA, a full service CPA firm, offers financial services including bookkeeping, tax planning & preparation, personal and business financial planning, accounting system review and upgrades, and more.
- North Tahoe Dog Camp: North Lake Dog Camp is not a facility or traditional kennel, but a cozy home environment for a maximum of ten friendly dogs per day guaranteeing plenty of loving, individual attention.
- Sacred Connections: Sacred Connections is a restorative and non-violent haven for communication between individuals, couples and community groups where every voice has an eager audience, where love and compassion are given and received in every connection.