Truckee Tahoe Community Chorus and Diablo Valley Philharmonic Orchestra Presents: Songs for Sinners and Saints
Title: Songs for Sinners and Saints
Who: Truckee Tahoe Community Chorus and Diablo Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
When: Saturday April 15 at 7:00 PM and Sunday April 16 at 2:00 PM
Where: North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 N Lake Blvd, Kings Beach, CA 96143
Tickets: online https://truckeechorus.org $20 adults, $5 18 & under
More info: https://truckeechorus.org info@truckeechorus.org
Non-profit partner: Sierra Community House https://sierracommunityhouse.org/
Join the Truckee Tahoe Community Chorus, the Diablo Valley Philharmonic Orchestra and non-profit partner
Sierra Community House at the North Tahoe Events Center for a concert entitled, “Songs for Sinners and Saints”.
Programming for this concert explores the innate, human notions of vice, virtue, and redemption. The concert will
conclude with one of Johannes Brahms most stunning major choral works, Shicksalslied, Op. 54 (Song of
Destiny). Shicksalslied’s text depicts dualities such as light and dark, hope and despair, peace and suffering…
dualities that mirror our very human essence, the sinner and the saint. This concert will feature works by Biebl,
Brahms, Copland, Elgar, Hayes, Martini, Riggs, Verdi, and Waller and Brooks. We invite you to join us and hope to
see you there!