Placer County Americans with Disabilities Act Open Houses
Placer County seeking public input at upcoming Americans with Disabilities Act open houses, online surveys
Placer County will host open house meetings in May to seek input as it continues working to update its plan to provide access to county facilities and services. Three public meetings are planned: May 22 in North Auburn, May 23 in Kings Beach, and May 24 in Rocklin.
The county is currently developing an Americans with Disabilities Act self-evaluation and transition plan, taking a comprehensive look at its programs, services and facilities for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; including county-owned buildings, facilities, parks, trails, sidewalks, bus stops and curb ramps.
North Lake Tahoe
May 23, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Tahoe Events Center
8318 N. Lake Boulevard, Kings Beach
In addition to the open house meetings, the county has also launched an online evaluation survey, available here. Hard copies of the survey, in regular and large font and braille, are available upon request.
Completed surveys can be returned to the county’s ADA coordinator:
Placer County
Joe Ney, ADA Coordinator
145 Fulweiler Avenue, Suite 100
Auburn, CA 95603
Placer is also seeking feedback from other agencies and organizations to address and prioritize current and future accessibility needs.
Those with a disability requiring an accommodation to attend and participate in the public meeting may contact Joe Ney at 530-886-2612, by email at adacoor@placer.ca.gov or by California Relay at 711 no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled event. Examples of accommodations may include, but are not limited to, large print, braille, sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and special seating.
For comments and questions regarding the self-evaluation and transition plan, please contact Joe Ney at adacoor@placer.ca.gov, or call 530-886-2612 or California Relay at 711.