Mindfulness for Everyday Life: A Meditation Workshop with Bhante Sujatha
Lake Tahoe Wellness Center
695 Wolf Street #2979, Kings Beach, CA 96143
Thursday, October 12th 4-6PM
$35 workshop
“The pursuit of happiness” is a common bond that unites so many of us — regardless of our economic or social position, regardless of what we’ve acquired along the way, nearly everyone on the planet is actively engaged in finding sustainable happiness.
It is a part of our everyday life, and it guides our actions and thoughts. But How can we obtain something we can’t buy or build?
Sri Lanka born Buddhist Monk Bhante Sujatha teaches that we can’t possess permanent happiness, but we can redefine our understanding of what it is to be happy, and how a simple mindfulness practice can cultivate sustainable peace that will permeate every aspect of our lives.
Join us at The Lake Tahoe Wellness Center on Thursday, October 12th at 4:00 PM to gain some practical wisdom, inspiration, and techniques that can be immediately applied to your daily life.
Mindfulness in everyday life is easy to learn, simple to practice, and an essential element in creating a happy life.