Eastern Placer County Town Hall
As we close in on the last few weeks of a busy summer season, Placer County staff and the Board of Supervisors have continued to advance pilot efforts to address the impacts of increased visitation to our Eastern Placer communities and to seek solutions to our workforce housing needs. These issues and impacts are by no means unique to our region, in fact resort communities throughout our country have struggled with similar problems. Researching solutions that have been effective in other jurisdictions has allowed us the opportunity to learn from the best practices and customize efforts in our area.
County staff and I feel it’s extremely important to provide our community with all the information and resources you might need and we invite you to join us on Thursday, August 12 at 6pm for a Virtual Eastern Placer County Town Hall. We have prepared a robust agenda with a focus on the many efforts we are undertaking to address workforce housing.
I look forward to the opportunity of seeing everyone Thursday night.
In service,
Cindy Gustafson, District 5 Supervisor