34th Annual Tahoe Chocolate & Wine Festival
Mark your calendars for a night of celebration and enchantment!
Join us as we honor Sierra Community House’s achievements with an evening filled with decadent chocolate creations, exquisite wine tastings, and more.
This year’s theme is Masquerade, promising a mystical and festive atmosphere you won’t want to miss!
Looking to make this a special getaway? The Hyatt is offering a discounted rate for Chocolate and Wine Festival guests the night of the event. You must purchase your tickets to the event before reserving your room. Please reserve your room by September 19th.
We want to say a special thanks to our sponsors: Northstar, IVCBA, Spadi Custom Homes, Pak Mail, Grocery Outlet, Jeff and Annie Hull, Lakeshore Realty and Truckee Family Eyecare Optometry, Inc.
We can’t wait to see you at this year’s Tahoe Chocolate and Wine Festival!
For all questions, contact Allison at aedwards@sierracommunityhouse.
When: Saturday October 19th, 2024 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Grand Ballroom