What’s for Dinner, BGCNLT?
“Grab-and-go” or “Take-and-Bake” Style Meals
Distribution from 4-5:30pm at IES and BGCNLT Clubhouse in Kings Beach.
Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Times: 4:00pm-5:30pm
KB Location: Boys & Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe, Front Entrance/Curbside.
Incline Location: Incline Elementary School, Upper Bridge/Curbside.
“Grab-and-go” or “Take-and-Bake” style including protein, grain, veggie, fruit and milk (optional)
1. Please practice social distancing. Space out in line at least 6ft apart from others.
2. Wash your hands frequently.
3. All staff is required to wear gloves at all times during program operations.
4. All meals will be served in “sealed” or “to-go” containers.
Thanks again to Dave and Cheryl Duffield for making this happen in Incline. If you would like to support this effort in our other communities, please donate here.