Let's Light up the Streets of Kings Beach
A Community Christmas Miracle!
Join us in our effort to lighten and brighten the streets of downtown Kings Beach for the holidays!
WHO: Everyone is invited to help
WHERE: The Big Tree in front of the North Tahoe Event Center
WHEN: Saturday, December 19 from 10am-3pm
Please remember to wear your masks and social distance as we want to keep OUR COMMUNITY and all of you safe for the holidays!

NTBA is looking for support from our businesses in the Kings Beach commercial core who are willing to allow our community to place lights on and around your business. If you are interested, PLEASE CONTACT US!
If you have any light strands to donate to the cause, PLEASE LET US KNOW. We will schedule pick-ups/drop-offs with each of you OR just bring them with you on Saturday.
If you have any decoration location ideas, PLEASE SUMBIT THEM TODAY!
..And of course, we always appreciate your support in the way of donations. By contributing, you are helping light up this town for the holidays and ensuring that this new, fun and festive North Lake Tahoe tradition will be around for many years to come. (please fill our form on this page)

A Letter From NTBA's Executive Director
Hello NTBA Members & Community,
It was recently brought to NTBA and the community’s attention that we need to brighten up Kings Beach for the holidays now and in the future!
First, we want to let you all know that we took your voices to heart about lighting up downtown Kings Beach. We have worked really hard for the past few days to get proper approvals and support from our board – and now we are ready to get to work to make Kings Beach festive just in time for this holiday season!
We are asking our community for support!
If you have any light strands to donate to the cause, please let me know and I’ll work to schedule some pick ups or drop offs with each of you!
We are planning on spending tomorrow, December 19 from 10am-3pm decorating and lighting up Kings Beach with what lights we currently have as well as anything donated to the cause! You can find us at the Big Tree in front of North Tahoe Event Center. We invite EVERYONE, bring your kiddos and families to come out. Please remember to wear your masks and social distance as we want to keep OUR COMMUNITY and all of you safe for the holidays!
We are looking for support from any/all of our businesses in the Kings Beach commercial core who are willing to allow our community to place lights around your business, front windows, on railings, etc. Please contact me directly if you are willing to participate in this.
We also have the approvals in place and are working with some incredible professional lighters that are going to donate their time and efforts to help and handle some of the poles and larger jobs.
With the support of the community and NTBA members, we plan to build an annual professional winter lighting program and lighting competition for the future and look forward to developing and implementing that by next year. Until we have that established, we want to do what we can, and we need all your support as well! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns – you are welcome to reach out to me directly via email anytime.
Thank you to ALL our wonderful community members for speaking up and helping us bring this to life now and for our future lighting programs! This is a small start to a fun and festive annual program for Kings Beach!
We are excited to bring this Christmas Miracle to life!