Thunderbird Lodge Kayak Tours with Tahoe Adventure Company
Thunderbird Lodge Kayak Tours ~ Every Tuesday
Explore the Thunderbird Lodge Historic Site and arrive by Kayak! Start your adventure at the beautiful Sand Harbor State Beach on Lake Tahoe’s magnificent East Shore. Arriving to Thunderbird Lodge, the knowledgeable tour guides take visitors on an hour walk throughout the Whittell estate, including the Lighthouse Room, the Old Lodge, the maids’ quarters and original kitchen, as well as a trip through the 600′ underground tunnel leading to the infamous Card House and Boat House. In the Boat House you may find the fabulous yacht, Thunderbird, built for George Whittell in 1939.
Typical Distance and Time: 3 miles, 9am to 2pm.
Level of Difficulty: Easy.
Location: Sand Harbor State Park. Reservations required.
Cost: $135 per person 2 person minimum. A $45 donation per person will be made to the Thunderbird Lodge Preservation Society. $12 parking fee applies at Sand Harbor.
Dates: Every Tuesday starting May 29th and running through September 25th.