Activate the Traveler Responsibility Pledge To protect and preserve our beloved environment, the North Lake Tahoe Marketing Cooperative developed a Traveler Responsibility Pledge that is being adapted regionally by neighboring DMO’s (Visit Truckee Tahoe & Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority). Together, we’re asking community members and travelers alike to follow six pledge commitments that amplify environmental…
Placer County – Now Hiring Administrative Dispatcher in the Tahoe Area SALARY: $22.59 – $28.21/hour; $3,915.60 – $4,889.73/month; $46,987.20 -$58,676.80/year DEPARTMENT: Public Works JOB TYPE: Open – Tahoe Area DATE OPENED: 6/1/2021 5:00:00 PM FILING DEADLINE: 6/15/2021 5:00:00 PM EMPLOYMENT TYPE: Permanent/Full Time (40 hrs/week) WORK LOCATION: Tahoe (Carnelian Bay, Kings Beach, Tahoe City, Tahoe…
Placer Public Health announces community vaccine clinics in targeted areas For Immediate Release: May 24, 2021 AUBURN, Calif. — Placer County Public Health and health care system partners will be holding special vaccination clinics in parts of the county with lower vaccination rates or access to health services in the month of June. Appointments…
NTPUD Announces Summer 2021 North Tahoe Regional Park Enhancements Synthetic turf field replacement to begin June 1, 2021 (Tahoe Vista, Calif.) May 11, 2021 — Next month, the North Tahoe Public Utility District (NTPUD) will begin a series of enhancements and upgrades to the North Tahoe Regional Park’s synthetic turf field and paved pathways.…
Tahoe Vista Boat Launch Closed to Motorized Vessels for 2021 Boating Season Beach access remains open, Lakeside parking lot will reopen Friday, May 28 (Tahoe Vista, Calif.) May 14, 2021 — Due to below anticipated lake levels, the Tahoe Vista Recreation Area (TVRA) boat launch will not open to motorized vessels for the 2021…
Regional DMO’s Launch Traveler Responsibility Pledge Popularity of the Lake Tahoe-Truckee region continues to grow as individuals and groups seek recreation amenities and outdoor spaces that the Sierra is known for. To protect and preserve vulnerable ecosystems and residential communities, regional visitor bureaus have joined forces to focus on educational tactics that reinforce the importance…
Placer County moves forward on 3,000 acres of forest thinning to reduce wildfire risk For Immediate Release: April 27, 2021 AUBURN, Calif. – Prioritizing forest health heading into fire season, the Placer County Board of Supervisors today voted to execute forest thinning for an additional 3,000 acres of the French Meadows Forest Restoration Project…
For Immediate Release: April 27, 2021 Truckee and North Lake Tahoe regional officials cancel Fourth of July events for 2021 NORTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — Truckee and North Lake Tahoe regional officials have made the difficult decision to cancel the annual July 3 fireworks at Kings Beach, and the Fourth of July fireworks shows…
Tahoe Library branches are opening on May 4, 2021 for public browsing. Computer use or indoor seating will not be offered yet, perhaps by mid-June. It’s a grab-n-go model. The WiFi at both branches, which is up 24/7, has been expanded to reach well out into the parking lot in Tahoe City and entirely around the…
4/6/2021 As we reach 20 million vaccines administered and COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations have stabilized, California is looking to move beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy to fully reopening our economy. On June 15, all industries across the state can return to usual operations with common-sense risk reduction measures such as masking and…