NTBA is run by a dedicated and talented volunteer Board of Directors. According to NTBA By-Laws, each Board member must be NTBA member and the Board is comprised of a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 seats; additional ex-officio / non-voting seats can be added at the Board’s discretion. Each Board member serves a minimum of a 2-year term that begins in January and a maximum of 3 terms. NTBA strives to have all four towns in its District and as many business/industry types represented as possible on the Board. NTBA Board is responsible for the staff and overall strategic and financial oversight of the organization. Should you be interested in serving on the NTBA Board of Directors or should you like the Board to address a topic, idea or concern, or provide public comment at a Board meeting, please contact the Executive Director. Read more about policies adopted by the Board of Directors

Heidi Hill-Drum
Tahoe Prosperity Center

Lewis Madden
Rotary Club of Tahoe City

Sean O’Brien
Chango Presents

John Radebold
The House Healer

Sara Van Siclen
TNT Transportation Association
NTBA Board of Directors meets monthly and board meetings take place the third Wednesday of every month, (excluding July) 3-5pm at the North Tahoe Event Center unless stated otherwise. For dates, visit the Event Calendar. Community members and public comment are welcome. If attending, please contact an NTBA staff member at info@northtahoebusiness.org or call 530-546-9000.
Community and business members are needed to assist with fulfilling NTBA’s mission and executing the wide variety and quantity of services NTBA provides to members and the community as a whole. NTBA and the Main Street Approach rely on community involvement. NTBA needs volunteers to serve on Main Street and Event Committees and assist with annual special events. For committee information and meeting times, click here.
Committee members are subject to change
- Kerry Andras
- Kevin Drake
- Leah Emerson
- Nick Harris
- Danielle Hughes
- John Radebold
- Allen Raulet
- Andrew Ryan
- Julia Powers
- Cathy Strand
- Kim Vail
- Sean O’Brien
- Heidi Hill Drum
- Kerry Andras
- Charles Mallett
- Ben Martin
- Sean O’Brien
- Mike Olinger
- Darcy Parrillo
- Mike Rogge
- Nicole Stirling
- Kerry Andras