The North Tahoe Business Association (NTBA) was founded in 1979 by business and community leaders responding to a need to represent the local business community and promote the North Shore as a vibrant community. The NTBA serves the communities of North Lake Tahoe.
About North Tahoe Business Association
2022 Year in Review + What's Ahead
Who We Are
- 12 Member Volunteer Board of Directors
- 3 Staff Members
- 100+ Volunteers
- Countless Event Sponsors
The mission of the North Tahoe Business Association is to improve the economic vitality and quality of life in the communities of North Lake Tahoe including Carnelian Bay, Crystal Bay, Tahoe Vista, and Kings Beach as the commercial core.
15 Annual Community Events
- Kings Beach Snowfest Parade, annually the second Saturday in March
- Two Community Clean Up Days, annually the first Saturday in June and the last Saturday in September
- Music on the Beach, annually 11 concerts on Friday evenings in the summer
- Passport to Dining, annually in November

What We Do
Greater Good Benefits & Impacts
Membership Dollars at Work
Events, Marketing, and Promotions
- 14 Annual Community Events
- Maintain online calendar of events to draw visitors, market the district and attract customers into businesses
- Manage and grow traffic to “Visit North Lake Tahoe” Website & Online Business Directory to promote district and members
- Distribute effective e-Newsletters to visitors/residents (database of 4,800 with 30.5% average open rate) drawing visitors and marketing the district and members and maintain Member web portal providing business support and relevant topics/issues
- Increased marketing through Facebook and Instagram to keep district and members top of mind
- Participate in Business Association Chamber Collaborative focused on in-market marketing and to encourage shopping and thinking locally
Economic and Community Vitality
Business & Community Revitalization and Business Support, Networking, Communications, Training
- Conducting outreach and providing input into Kings Beach State Recreation Area General Plan Update & Pier Project planning process, 2016-2018
- Conducting outreach and engaged in North Tahoe Event Center public/private partnership, 2016-2017
- Positively influenced Tahoe Basin Area Plans for town center development, 2016
- Co-produce Small Business Seminars (typically 3 annually) to provide business owners with relevant training at no/little cost, since 2012
- Created and executed KBCCIP Open for Business Marketing Campaigns and effectively communicated positive marketing messages and helped businesses during construction, 2013-2016
Aesthetics and cleanliness
- Roofline Lighting installed on commercial buildings in downtown Kings Beach, 2017-19
- Established North Tahoe Clean Team to reduce the amount of litter throughout Kings Beach, 2018 and ongoing
- Main Street Litter Free Program, 2018-2019
- Kings Beach Art Walk, 2016 and ongoing
- Kings Beach Streetlight Banners – creation of banners and administer 3rd party banner program, since 2015
- Incubated Tahoe Public Art with the goal of bringing public art to each of the Kings Beach roundabouts and more, since 2012
- Organize annual clean-up efforts, since ~2000
- Developed and adopted Advocacy Policy, 2017
- Created and executing 2020-22 Strategic Plan
- Partner to produce the North Tahoe & Truckee Leadership Program, graduated 350 since 2004

Main Street Approach
In 2004, NTBA partnered with Placer County to help implement the Main Street program. The Main Street Four Point Approach helps property and business owners, along with concerned citizens, work together to determine their future. NTBA strives to provide leadership and facilitate redevelopment efforts to create a healthy balance of commerce, employment, entertainment and livability while preserving the unique beach town atmosphere of North Lake Tahoe.