Dear TTUSD Community,
Earlier this month, on April 3, 2020, we announced that we were extending our distance learning through the end of the school year. At that time, we told you we would re-evaluate our school closures at the end of April.
We are monitoring the COVID-19 crisis daily. I participate in weekly calls with the county health directors, where updates on the number of active COVID-19 cases in Placer and Nevada counties are shared. While we have seen some promising signs of “flattening the curve,” we still have a number of COVID-19 cases in our counties, and our county health officers believe that the county and state “stay at home” orders will remain in effect for the foreseeable future. I know we are all suffering cabin fever as the weather improves, but now is the time to double-down on our efforts for social distancing and not become complacent.
The guidance we are receiving as a K-12 school district is that it will be safe for schools to return to normal (pre-pandemic) operations when all the following have occurred:
a. The California stay-at-home order has been lifted
b. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Placer County and Nevada County has remained constant or declined for 28 consecutive days
c. The directive to physically or socially distance has been removed
d. Limits on group gatherings have been lifted
These guidelines are based on the current public health situation and current knowledge of the virus, and it’s guiding our decision making at this time. We cannot re-open schools at this time.
Circumstances may change rapidly in the upcoming weeks or months, and I will continue to communicate any changes and updates to you. We’d like nothing more than to see our students in person and be back in our traditional classrooms; however, we will only do this when we know it’s safe; our students’ and staff’s health, safety, and best interests are our top concerns.
We have canceled summer scholars and K Camp for this summer and our district will join the other Placer County school districts in offering the Special Education Extended School Year in a distance learning format.
We will be announcing graduation plans, promotion plans, and other end-of-the-year activities in mid-May. These decisions will be based on current data from county health officials, the Tahoe Forest Health System, and the four criteria listed above.
Stay well and please be proactive about social distancing so we can beat this pandemic together!
Robert J. Leri, Ed.D.
Superintendent Chief Learning Officer