Job Title: Executive Director
Position Type: Full-Time/Salary
Salary Range: $55–70K DOE
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Job Purpose:
Founded in 1990, the Truckee North Tahoe Transportation Management Association (TNT/TMA) is a dynamic 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization with a mission to advocate and facilitate transportation solutions in the greater Truckee North Lake Tahoe “Resort Triangle” region.
The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for administering, managing, and executing the business of the TNT/TMA for the overall benefit of the organization, its membership, and project partners. The ED is guided by and reports to a 13-member Board of Directors that includes a 4-member Executive Committee. The ED is responsible for the management and direction of TMA staff. A primary focus is to ensure that daily activities of the organization are in compliance with project management requirements and accountability and consistent with the organization’s adopted strategic plan and annual work plan. These plans are drafted by the ED with input from staff, Executive Committee and the Board, then refined and adopted by action of the Board. This same approach is used to develop the organization’s annual budget and project-specific budgets.
Experience and Skills Required:
Qualified candidates must have experience in organizational administration, including budgeting, financial accountability and reporting, contract management, land use-transportation planning, transit marketing and operations, fundraising, written communications, public speaking and presentations, and membership development and retention. Candidate must also have proven leadership skills, including those necessary to facilitate consensus building and collaboration. Education equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in related field.
Specific Project, Program and Other Duties:
TMA Board Meetings: Coordinate with the Chair, members of the Executive Committee and others, as appropriate, to develop content for monthly TMA meeting agendas. Finalize and distribution meeting materials to Board members, TMA membership and interested parties. Coordinate with presenters in advance of the meetings. Prepare staff reports as appropriate and assist Board Chair in facilitating the discussion of agenda topics. Provide follow-up on action items and subsequent reports as required.
Membership Program: Maintain/grow membership consistent with Board-directed targets. Manage annual renewal process. Track and ensure the timely payment of membership contributions. Update membership materials as appropriate to support the understanding and appreciation of membership value.
Public Outreach: Lead/coordinate annual public outreach efforts to increase the visibility and support for TNT/TMA advocacy, programs, and projects. Plan and execute TMA involvement in community events, activities and meetings that represent appropriate opportunities for outreach; also in appropriate social media platforms, including, but not necessarily limited to Facebook, blogs, and Web sites.
Regional Transit Marketing/Public Relations: Lead/coordinate the development and implementation of year-round regional transit marketing programs, including seasonal promotional collateral and the distribution of seasonal collateral; also support content and updates for, Google Transit, NextBus, and other platforms used to promote transit information and ridership.
Area Board and Committee Appointments: Serve on area boards and committees as assigned. As a member of boards or committees you provide positive advice that is invaluable to the continued progress of regional goals with a specific focus on Transportation. As a board or committee member you may advise on a wide variety of issues by making recommendations on important policy matters.
Contract Management: Including, but not limited to, contracts for transit management, grant implementation, consultant services, and work program implementation.
Contract Management – North Lake Tahoe Express Airport shuttle: Including, but not limited to, RFQ process, contract negotiations, daily operations oversight, operator oversight and correspondences, marketing, public outreach and information sharing, reporting, financial accountability, ridership reporting, and public presentations.
Reporting: Compile weekly/monthly the reporting required for each program, with assistance from TMA staff and program partners, as appropriate. Distribute to all parties requiring the information, including funding partners; present to TNT/TMA Board on a regular basis.
Summer/Winter Transit Marketing Program Sponsorships: Develop sponsorship requests and actively conduct fundraising to support the marketing of extended transit services and pilot programs endorsed by the TNT/TMA Board of Directors.
Partnership Development: Facilitate/promote/support the development of public and private partnerships to organize and provide the resources for transit and transportation-related plans, programs, and projects.
Work with Local, Regional, State and Federal Agencies: The ED must actively engage and foster these relationships. They are essential in carrying out the mission and work plan of the TNT/TMA. Specifically, these relationships include working with staff and elected or appointed officials at Placer County, Town of Truckee, Nevada County (CA), Washoe County (NV), Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, Nevada County Transportation Commission, Tahoe Transportation District, Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization (TMPO), Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), Washoe County Regional Transportation Commission, North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, Tahoe City Public Utility District, California Tahoe Conservancy, Caltrans, Nevada Department of Transportation, USDA Forest Service, and others as TNT/TMA initiatives, programs, and projects require.
New Development: Review and provide input on the environmental review documents for major development projects proposed in the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee region, with a focus on the transportation/circulation elements. Work with Placer County and the Town of Truckee to incorporate a requirement for TNT/TMA membership in the project mitigation requirements or conditions of project approval related to transportation/air quality impacts.
Participate/Lead (as appropriate): Processes for developing transit and transportation-related plans, programs, and projects.
Resort Triangle SSTAC/Social Services: Work with social service planners and providers to improve social service transportation in the region. Coordinate with regional RTPA’s, transit providers and Community Collaborative to hold quarterly social service meetings focusing on Transportation needs.
Special Projects: Manage/coordinate current special projects: On-Board Advertising Program, Bike to Work Week; Develop new special projects as identified or directed by the Board.
Grant Writing: Identify grant funding sources that can support TNT/TMA Work Plan activities, programs, and projects; prepare and submit applications as authorized by the Board. Manage implementation, compliance and reporting for grants received.
Staff Management: Supervise and coordinate staff (full time, part time and seasonal); conduct regular staff meetings and annual review for full time staff; part time as deemed appropriate.
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