Kings Beach State Recreation Area Tour & Meeting with State Parks
California State Parks Commission Tour & Meeting at Kings Beach State Recreation Area
The State Park and Recreation Commission will conduct a tour on October 18, 2018 and will meet on October 19, 2018 to consider:
- The Final Environmental Impact Report and approval of, the Kings Beach State Recreation Area (SRA) General Plan and Kings Beach Pier Rebuild Project Environmental Impact Statement.
- The Final Environmental Impact Report for the Upper Truckee River Restoration and Golf Course Reconfiguration Project and whether to approve the amendment to the Lake Valley SRA General Plan and reclassification of land exchanged between Washoe Meadows State Park and Lake Valley SRA as part of the proposed Project.
State Park and Recreation Commission Tour
Thursday, October 18, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. – until adjournment at the North Tahoe Event Center
Tour Information: The tour is open to the public. The tour will begin at the North Tahoe Event Center at 9:00 a.m. The tour will last approximately 6 hours and may involve some walking over uneven terrain. While a RSVP is not required to attend the tour, in order for Commission staff to plan vehicle transportation for the tour, please RSVP at (916) 324-5801 if you will be attending the tour. If you have not provided your RSVP, you may still attend the tour.
State Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
Friday, October 19, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. – until adjournment at the North Tahoe Event Center